TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
TRAK TMC Mills with ProtoTRAK RMX CNC Safety, Installation, Maintenance, Service & Parts List
Circles Out of Round
Circles are not round within 0.001” TIR over a 1.830” dia. This is best measured by placing a dial
indicator in the spindle and sweeping around circle on the Euclid block part.
Do the following Service Codes and document values:
Code 33
Software Identification. This is needed if you call SWI Customer Service
Code 128
Enter backlash compensation
Code 134
Friction Feed Forward
Possible Cause
Check This
Backlash values set too high or low
Check code 128. Typically values for backlash should be less
than 0.0005”. Reset values as necessary.
Friction feed forward set too high or
Check the value of code 134 and adjust as required.
Machine Tool and Setup problem
Check for any looseness in the setup (Tool, Tool holder, Part,
Vise, or Fixture). See Machine Tool & Setup
Machine not level
Verify that the machine is level to specification.
Head is not trammed
Verify that the Head is trammed to specification.
X & Y-axis Drive Trains are loose
Check Repeatability using the Repeatability and Positional
Accuracy procedure. Step by step, carefully inspect the Drive
Train for any looseness. It may be necessary to disassemble
and then reassemble the Drive Train.
Parts Have Incorrect Dimensions
Parts are being machined with dimensions that are different than those programmed. Typical accuracy
expectations should be:
0.001” TIR over a 1.830” DIA (assumes cutting
Euclid block)
Positional Accuracy:
Do the following Service Code:
Code 33
Software Identification. This is needed if you call SWI Customer Service
Code 123
Code 128
Enter backlash compensation
Every Part Has the Same Error
Possible Cause
Check This
Machine Tool & Setup problem
Check and verify correct tools & setup.
Programming Error
In the program, look for common errors in programming
such as transposing numbers, tool diameters, and pressing
INC SET when ABS SET is meant. This is especially
suspected if the dimensional errors are larger than a few
thousandths. See the Controls Programming, Operations
and Care manual.
Configuration file that contains
calibration file that has been erased or
Make sure there are values for calibration under service
123. Default values would read all zero’s which means
the machine needs to be calibrated. A back up copy of the
configuration will be available at SWI. We will need the
machines serial number when you call us.