TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
TRAK TMC Mills with ProtoTRAK RMX CNC Safety, Installation, Maintenance, Service & Parts List
12K with CTS Installation Checklist
Run Hoses
Oil cooler
Software Update
AC drive
Machine ID key
Service Code 541
Option key
ATC length & orientation sensor
Operation Checks
ATC test
Run Tool Changer Test Program.PT10 - takes about 6 minutes
Fill 12K cooler, prime, refill
Check 12K cooler flow, leaks, run 10 minutes
Spindle head test
Run spindle at: 3000, 6000, 9000, 12000 RPM for 5 minutes each.
Run spindle at 500 RPM increments up to 12,000 for a few seconds per increment.
Please note any of the following: Head noise, excessive heat on spindle, vibration,
spindle fan noise.
Coolant tank filled
Close doors/windows, run open spindle no tool holder, check for leaks 15 minutes
Make sure CTS pump rotates in the correct direction (counterclockwise).
Set coolant pressure sensor
Reassemble sheet metal
Run Service Code 141 to load the new configuration back into spindle