TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
TRAK TMC Mills with ProtoTRAK RMX CNC Safety, Installation, Maintenance, Service & Parts List
After an emergency stop, release the E-stop and press the power reset button for 2 seconds to
turn the servos back on.
Prevent damage to the workpiece or the cutting tool. Never start the machine (including the
rotation of the spindle) if the tool is in contact with the part.
Check the direction (+ or -) of movement of the table, saddle, and quill when using the jog or
power feed or ram out.
Don't use dull or damaged cutting tools. They break easily and become airborne. Inspect the
sharpness of the edges, and the integrity of cutting tools and their holders. Use proper length
tool for the job.
Large overhang on cutting tools when not required result in accidents and damaged parts.
Inspect the retention knobs for damage or excessive wear before each use.
Prevent fires. When machining certain materials (magnesium, etc.) the chips and dust are highly
flammable. Obtain special instruction from you supervisor before machining these materials.
Keep flammable materials and fluids away from the machine and hot, flying chips.
Always be certain that you know if the machine is in Production or Tool Room Operation (See
Section 1.3).
Always be certain the door is closed during Run Mode when the machine is in Production