ST2516 Series Operation Manual
<secondary parameter>= the measurement of the current secondary parameter and the format
is NR3, when existing outrange or measurement error, the returned value is “+9.37”.
The system status is the same as above.
There is no return value for other display page.
The FETCh:AUTO command sets the automatic mode switch to send each measurement result to
its output buffer.
Command syntax: FETCh:AUTO ON(1)
For example: WrtCmd(“FETC:AUTO ON”); namely opening the automatic sending mode of each
measurement result.
TEMPerature Subsystem Commands (ST2516)
TEMPerature subsystem commands set the instrument trigger source and the delay time after
triggering, and triggers instrument measurement.
Command Tree:
The :TEMPerature:CORRect:STATe command sets “ON” and “OFF” of the instrument temperature
correction function.
The :TEMPerature:CORRect:STATe? query returns to the current state of the temperature
correction function.
Command syntax:
:TEMPerature:CORRect:STATe <ON(1) or OFF(0)>
For example: WrtCmd(“:TEMPerature:CORRect:STATe ON”); Set the instrument temperature
correction function as “ON”.
NOTE: Turning the temperature correction function on will stop the temperature conversion