ST2516 Series Operation Manual
Command syntax:
BIN: LOWer <Bin NO.>,< Lower threshold >
Where, <Bin NO.> = 1 to 3(NR1) specified bin no., namely specific bin
< Lower threshold > = 0 to 2.2E+6 (NR3) the lower threshold of the specific bin
unit: “Ω”
For example: WrtCmd(“BIN:LOW 1,1800”); Set the lower threshold of bin 1 as 18
NOTE: The lower threshold of the same bin should be less than or equal to the upper
Query Syntax: BIN:LOWer?<Bin NO.>
Return format: the format and unit of < Lower threshold ><NL^END> are the same as above.
Note: If the lower threshold does not exist, the returned value is “+9.37”
The : BIN:REFerence command sets the reference resistance of the instrument specific bin.
The : BIN:REFerence? query returns to the current reference resistance of the specific bin.
Command syntax:
BIN: REFerence <Bin NO.>,<Reference Resistance>
<Bin NO.> = 1 to 3(NR1) specified bin no., namely specific bin
< Reference Resistance > = 0 to 2.2E+6 (NR3) the reference resistance of the
specific bin
unit: “Ω”
For example: WrtCmd(“BIN:REF 1,20E+3”); Set the reference resistance of bin 1
as 20kΩ.
Query Syntax: BIN: REFerence?<Bin NO.>
Return format: the format and unit of < Reference Resistance ><NL^END> are the same as above.
Note: If the reference resistance does not exist, the returned value is “+9.37”
The : BIN:PERCent command sets the tolerance of the instrument specific bin.
The : BIN:PERCent? query returns to the current tolerance of the specific bin.
Command syntax:
BIN:PERCent <Bin NO.>,<Tolerance(%)>
<Bin NO.> = 1 to 3(NR1) specified bin no., namely specific bin
< Tolerance(%) > = 0 to 99.999 (NR2) the tolerance of the specific bin
unit: “%”
For example: WrtCmd(“BIN:PERC 1,10”); Set the tolerance of bin 1 as 10%.
Query Syntax: BIN: PERCent?<Bin NO.>
Return format: the format and unit of < Tolerance(%) ><NL^END> are the same as above.
Note: If the tolerance does not exist, the returned value is “+9.37”
The : BIN:ENABle command sets the enable mask of the bin function.
The : BIN:ENABle? query returns to the current enable number of the bin function.
Command syntax: