ST2516 Series Operation Manual
The :IMMediate command triggers a measurement.
Command syntax: TRIGger[:IMMediate]
For example
The :SOURce command sets the mode of trigger source.
The :SOURce? query returns to the current mode of trigger source.
Command syntax:
TRIGger:SOURce <INTernal, MANual, EXTernal or BUS>
INTernal Be automatically triggered by the instrument and be the defaut setting
of the instrument.
MANual Be triggered by pressing the TRIGGER button on the panel.
EXTernal Be triggered by the HANDLER interface.
Be triggered by the RS232 interface or the GPIB interface.
For example: WrtCmd(“TRIG:SOUR BUS”);
Query syntax: TRIGger:SOURce?
Return format: <INTernal, MANual, EXTernal or BUS> <NL^END>
The :DELay command sets the insreument measurement delay time after triggering.
The TRIGger:DELay? query returns to the current delay time.
Command syntax:
TRIGger:DELay <delay value>
Where, <delay value> = 0 to 9.999 [in seconds]
For example: WrtCmd(“TRIG:DEL 0.5”); Set the delay time as 0.5S.
Query syntax: TRIGger:DELay?
Return format: <NR2><NL^END>
The :DELay:AUTO command sets the instrument measurement delay mode after triggering.
The :DELay:AUTO? query returns to the current delay mode status.
Command syntax: