Find A Safe Place To Fly
Don’t try to fly your KADET LT-25 in your backyard, at the local school yard, or in any other heavily populated area! If you have
never seen an R/C airplane fly before, you probably don’t realize how much room you really need. It’s more than most people
think! A school yard may look inviting, but it is too close to people, houses, power lines, and possible radio interference.
The best place to fly your model is at a designated model airplane club flying field. Ask your hobby shop dealer if there is a
model club in your area and join. Not only will you have access to a large, safe place to fly, but you will enjoy being around all
types of R/C model airplanes and talking to their builders.
The KADET LT-25 is designed to give you the best possible chance to succeed in learning to fly R/C. However, learning to fly
model airplanes is not a skill you can learn overnight. It’s very similar to learning to fly a real airplane in that you should go
through a learning phase with an instructor before you try to pilot the airplane yourself. A lot of things can go wrong with these
machines, and if you are not prepared to deal with them instantly, you will loose your new airplane in a crash. To reduce the
chance that your first flight will end in disaster, we strongly recommend that you seek the assistance of a competent R/C pilot to
help you with your first flights.
© Copyright SIG Mfg. Co., Inc.
SIG MFG. CO., INC............Montezuma, Iowa 50171-0520
In use of our products, Sig Mfg. Co.'s only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product proven to be defective.
User shall determine the suitability of the product for his or her intended use and shall assume all risk and liability in connection