16. After the glue on the center section sheets has cured, cut two 1/8" wide x1/2" long
slots in the Top Leading Edge sheet at the W-4 wing rib to accomodate the ends
of the two 1/8"x3/16"x24" balsa Top Forward Spars. Glue the Forward Spars into
these slots and into the notcheds in the top of all the other wing ribs. Cut the
Forward Spars off flush with the W-5 rib at the tip.
When all the glue joints have dried, unpin the wing panel from the building board
and check it for straightness. If it looks straight, go back and reglue every joint in
the wing panel using MEDIUM or THICK CA. Don't be stingy here - the integrity of
your wing depends upon strong glue joints. Glue BOTH sides of EVERY joint! BE
Now you can add the wing tip! The only way to get the lasercut balsa wig tip in place is to slide it over the ends of the Top
Spars, Leading Edge, and Trailing Edge - all at the same time. It’s a little tedious, but with a bit of careful wiggling and
pushing, you should be able to get it to slide on OK. Once in position, securely glue the wing tip to all the parts it comes in
contact with.
NOTE: Practically everywhere that the wing tip comes in contact with another part there are angles involved. This means
there will be some unavoidable small gaps between the parts. For instance, underneath both of the Top Spars there will be
a gap. Also around the backside of the Leading Edge there will be some gaps. All of these gaps can be filled with glue and
light-weight wood filler.
Cut the Leading Edge, Trailing Edge, Top Main Spar, and Top Rear Spar off flush with the bottom surface of the wing tip.
NOTE: It’s best to first make a "pretty close" cut with a razor saw to quickly remove the bulk of the part, and then use a
sanding block to get everything perfectly flat and flush.
Cut and fit 3/32"x3" balsa sheeting to fit
between the Bottom Main Spar and the
Leading Edge (just like in Step 15).
After the glue has dried, cut 1/8" wide x
1/2" long slots in the Top Leading Edge
sheet at the W-4 wing rib to accomodate
the ends of the two 1/8"x3/16"x24" balsa
Top Forward Spars. Glue the Forward
Spars into these slots and into the
notcheds in the top of all the other wing
ribs. Cut the Forward Spars off flush with
the W-5 rib at the tip (see photo).
Carefully saw off and block sand the root
ends of all the Spars, Leading Edge, and
Trailing Edge flush with the pre-angled
W-1 wing rib. Use a large sanding block
and sand slowly to keep the end of the
wing panel straight and true. Try not to
sand into the W-1 wing rib.