Warning! This Is Not A Toy!
Flying machines of any form, either model-size or full-size, are not toys! Because of the speeds that airplanes must achieve in
order to fly, they are capable of causing serious bodily harm and property damage if they crash. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY
AND YOURS ALONE to assemble this model airplane correctly according to the plans and instructions, to ground test the
finished model before each flight to make sure it is completely airworthy, and to always fly your model in a safe location and in a
safe manner. The first test flights should be made only with the assistance of an experienced R/C flyer.
The governing body for radio-control model airplanes in the United States is the ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS,
sometimes referred to as the AMA. The AMA SAFETY CODE provides guidelines for the safe operation of R/C model airplanes.
While AMA membership is not mandatory, it is a good idea and we encourage all new R/C fliers to join the AMA. Membership in
the AMA provides you with important liability insurance protection in case your R/C model should ever cause serious property
damage or personal injury to someone else. For more information, contact:
5161 East Memorial Drive - Muncie, IN 47302 - Telephone: (765) 287-1256
Laser-Cut Balsa
1 3/32"x3"x12" Sht #1 - W-1 Wing Ribs 1 3/32"x3"x12" Sht #2 - W-2 Wing Ribs 1 3/32"x3"x12" Sht #3 - W-3
Wing Ribs
1 3/32"x3"x12" Sht #4 - W-4
Wing Ribs
5 3/32"x3"x12" Sht #5 - W-5 Wing Ribs 1 1/8"x4"x18" Sht #6 - Fuselage Bottom
Front,Nose Bottom, Stab Mount
1 1/8"x4"x36" Sht #7 -
Fuselage Bottom Rear
1 1/8"x4"x24" Sht #8 -
Formers, Tank Floor
1 1/8"x4"x18" Sht #9 - Fuselage Top
2 1/8"x6"x30" Sht #10 - Fuselage
2 1/8"x6"x48" Sht #11 -
Fuselage Side
1 5/16"x4"x36" Sh t#12 -
Stabilizer, Fin
1 1/8"x6"x24" Sht #13 - Wing Tip,
1 3/32"x3"x24" Sht #14 - Main Spar
1 3/32"x2"x30" Sht #15 -
Rear Spar Web
1 3/32"x3"x36" Sht #16 -
Diagonal Wing Braces
Balsa Sheet
1 3/32"x4"x24" Wing Center Sheet
3 3/32"x3"x24" Wing Leading & Trailing
Edge Sheet
Balsa Sticks
4 3/16"x1/4"x36" Rear Wing Spars
8 1/8"x3/16"x24" Forward Wing Spars
1 1/2" Triangle x12" Brace for
Firewall & Landing Gear
1 5/16"x5/16"x30" Brace for
Stabilizer & Fin
4 3/16"x3/8"x36" Main Wing Spars
Pre-Shaped Special Cut Balsa
2 36" Long Leading Edges
2 30" Long Trailing Edges
2 1/2"x1-1/2"x30" Ailerons
2 1/2"x1-1/2"x3-5/16"
Center Section Trailing
1 5/16"x2"x24" Elevator
1 5/16"x8-3/16" Rudder
Laser-Cut Lite-Plywood
1 1/8"x6"x8" Sht #17 - Hatch,Hatch
Tongue,Dihedral Gauge, Tailwheel
Mount, & F-2D
Laser-Cut Birch Plywood
1 3/16"x4"x6" Sht #18 - Firewall,
Landing Gear Mount
1 1/8"x5-1/2"x9-1/2" Sht #19 - Servo
Trays, Dihedral Brace, Tiller Bar &
Tiller Bar Mount
2 1/4"x4-3/4" Wing Dowels
Wire Parts
1 Right Aileron Torque Rod
1 Left Aileron Torque Rod
7 2-56 x10" Threaded Steel
Rods (for pushrods)
1 1/16" dia. Pre-Bent
Tailwheel Wire
2 4-40 x1/2" Mounting Bolts (for
Landing Gear)
5 4-40 x3/4" Mounting Bolts (Tiller Bar,
Engine to Eng.Mounts)
4 6-32 x3/4" Mounting Bolts
(for Eng.Mounts to Firewall)
2 6-32 x1-1/2" Mounting
Bolts (for Axles)
4 6-32 Hex Nuts (for Axles)
5 4-40 Aircraft Lock Nuts (Tiller Bar,
Engine to Eng.Mounts)
2 6-32 Aircraft Lock Nuts (for
2 4-40 Blind Nuts (for Main
4 6-32 Blind Nuts (for Eng.Mounts to
4 #2 Flat Washers (for Tailwheel)
2 #4 Flat Washers (for Tiller
3 3/16 ID. Nylon Washers
(for Tiller Bar)
1 #4 Nylon Bushing (for Tiller Bar)
4 #2 x3/8" Sheet Metal Screws (Hatch
Cover, Tailwheel Bracket)
4 #2 x3/4" Sheet Metal
Screws (for Elev,Rud Horns)
1 small Nylon Control Horn
(for Rudder)
1 medium Nylon Control Horn (for
2 4-40 Nylon Aileron Connectors
4 2-56 Solder Clevis (servo
end Ail,Elev,Rud Pushrods)
4 2-56 Nylon R/C Links
(Ail,Elev,Rud Pushrods)