Diagnostic value
Reset ON command required
Ex application active
Ex release denied - wrong CRC
Pump cleaning active
Analog output underflow
Analog output overflow
Missing initialization after maintenance
Switching frequency time running
Switching frequency lock active
Emergency start enabled
Emergency run enabled
Emergency run active
Alternative stopping mode active
Reversing DC braking active
Simulation active
Test with small load active
Automatic parameterization active
Logbook application - error deleted
Logbook application - warnings deleted
Logbook application - events deleted
Statistic data
Active energy import (total)
Operating hours - motor
Reset operating hours motor
Number of motor overload trips
Number of starts motor CW
Number of starts motor CCW
Number of starts output1
Number of starts output2
Number of starts output3
Number of starts output4
Number of braking stops
Phase current max (%)
Phase current max (rms)
Last tripping current I
Last tripping current I
Number of switching element overload trips
Number of bypass overload trips
Operating hours – device
Last real starting time
Messages and diagnostics
9.6 Performing diagnostics on the 3RW55 and 3RW55 Failsafe soft starters using the 3RW5 HMI High Feature
SIRIUS 3RW55 and 3RW55 Failsafe Soft Starters
Equipment Manual, 02/2022, A5E35630887002A/RS-AF/006