Control source
Manual operation local -
Connection abort
(depending on the parameterization)
Input controlled
Digital inputs
3RW5 HMI controlled
3RW5 HMI High Feature
PC controlled
SIRIUS Soft Starter ES (TIA Portal)
Supported by 3RW55 soft starter from firmware version V2.1 and 3RW55 Failsafe soft starter with firmware version higher
than V1.0.0
Not possible for 3RW55 soft starters with firmware version earlier than V2.1 and 3RW55 Failsafe soft starters with firmware
version V1.0.0. For 3RW55 soft starters from firmware version V2.1 and 3RW55 Failsafe soft starters with firmware version
higher than V1.0.0 if the digital inputs have master control by activating the "Manual operation local - Input controlled" bit
in the process image output (PIQ). The PLC can regain master control at any time.
Explanation in text below
In combination with 3RW5 PROFINET High Feature communication module from firmware version V2.0
Lowest priority without 3RW5 communication module, explanation in the following text
Possible for 3RW55 and 3RW55 Failsafe soft starters. For 3RW55 soft starters from firmware version V2.1 and 3RW55 Failsafe
soft starters with firmware version higher than V1.0.0 only if the input action "Operating mode manual - local" has been
parameterized and activated.
Connection abort
On failure of the bus connection or a CPU stop, the 3RW55 and 3RW55 Failsafe soft starters
behave as set in the parameter "Response to CPU/Master Stop" irrespective of the mode.
If other connections between the control source and 3RW55 or 3RW55 Failsafe soft starter are
aborted, master control automatically switches back to the lowest priority of the current
operating mode.
• "Automatic" mode: The 3RW55 and 3RW55 Failsafe soft starters behave as set in the
parameter "Response to CPU/Master Stop".
• Operating mode "Manual - bus": Control switches to "Manual - bus ‑ Connection abort".
• Operating mode "Manual - local": Control switches either to "Manual - local ‑ Connection
abort" or to "Manual operation local ‑ Input controlled". For certain parameter assignments,
"Manual - local ‑ Connection abort" is not possible. In the following cases, control switches to
"Manual operation local ‑ Input controlled":
– Input action "Operating mode manual - local" is parameterized and activated.
Example: The 3RW5 HMI High Feature has control. Input 2 is assigned the input action
"Operating mode manual - local" and the input action is activated. On a connection abort
terminating the connection to the 3RW5 HMI High Feature, control switches to "Manual -
local ‑ input controlled".
Additional information
You will find more information on the 3RW5 communication modules in the manual for the
3RW5 communication module in question.
You will find further information about operation on failure of the bus connection to the control
in the manual for the 3RW5 communication module in question.
3.6 Operating modes and master control function
SIRIUS 3RW55 and 3RW55 Failsafe Soft Starters
Equipment Manual, 02/2022, A5E35630887002A/RS-AF/006