Basic protective measures against electrostatic discharge
• Make sure the grounding is good:
When handling electrostatic sensitive devices, ensure that your body, the workplace and
packaging are grounded. In this way, you can avoid becoming electrostatically charged.
• Avoid direct contact:
As a general rule, only touch electrostatic sensitive devices when this is unavoidable (e.g.
during maintenance work). Handle the devices without touching any chip pins or PCB traces.
In this way, the discharged energy cannot reach or damage sensitive devices.
Discharge your body before taking any necessary measurements on a device. Do so by
touching grounded metallic parts. Use only grounded measuring instruments.
Five safety rules for working in or on electrical systems
A set of rules, which are summarized in DIN VDE 0105 as the "five safety rules", are defined for
working in or on electrical systems as a preventative measure against electrical accidents:
1. Isolate
2. Secure against re-connection
3. Verify absence of operating voltage
4. Ground and short-circuit
5. Provide protection against adjacent live parts
These five safety rules must be applied in the above order prior to starting work on an electrical
system. After completing the work, proceed in the reverse order.
It is assumed that every electrically skilled person is familiar with these rules.
Safety information
2.2 Five safety rules for working in or on electrical systems
SIRIUS 3RW55 and 3RW55 Failsafe Soft Starters
Equipment Manual, 02/2022, A5E35630887002A/RS-AF/006