Active power limit - maintenance de‐
manded exceeded
The active power of the motor has ex‐
ceeded a limit.
Check the application driven by the mo‐
Active power limit - maintenance de‐
manded undershot
The active power of the motor has fallen
below a limit.
Starting time limit - maintenance de‐
manded exceeded
The configured maximum starting time
is shorter than the required motor start‐
ing time.
Prolong the "max. starting time" param‐
eter, increase the current limiting value
or check the load coupled with the motor
for a mechanical defect.
Starting time limit - maintenance de‐
manded undershot
The configured minimum starting time is
longer than the required motor starting
Shorten the "min. starting time" param‐
eter, lower the current limiting value or
check the load coupled with the motor
for a mechanical defect.
Not for 3RW55 Failsafe soft starter.
Errors and remedial actions of the 3RW55 and 3RW55 Failsafe soft
Display of the faults
The 3RW55 and 3RW55 Failsafe soft starters signal errors by means of the following displays:
• "ER" LED (red)
• 3RW5 HMI High Feature
Display of faults on the 3RW5 HMI High Feature
Detailed information about errors and remedial actions appears in plain text on the display of the
3RW5 HMI High Feature.
Errors and remedial actions
Switching element overload
Contact block (switch contact, power
semiconductors) too hot.
• Check the ambient conditions associated
with cooling. You may want to consider
lowering the operating characteristics.
• Check the number of switching operations.
• Acknowledgment after cooling down. The
acknowledgment depends on the "Re‐
sponse to overload switching element" pa‐
rameter that has been set.
Switching element defective
• Switching element defective
• The fault is also generated if the
defective switching element (by‐
pass or power semiconductor)
cannot be accurately identified.
Check the switching elements L1, L2, and L3
and replace any that are defective.
Messages and diagnostics
9.4 Errors and remedial actions of the 3RW55 and 3RW55 Failsafe soft starters
SIRIUS 3RW55 and 3RW55 Failsafe Soft Starters
Equipment Manual, 02/2022, A5E35630887002A/RS-AF/006