Overview of Alarms
Siemens AG, 2006. All rights reserved
SINUMERIK, SIMODRIVE Diagnostics Manual (DA), 11/2006 Edition
PROFIBUS DP: bus %3, configuration error %1, parameter %2
%1 = Cause of the error
%2 = Parameter
%3 = Number of the affected bus
The PROFIBUS DP was not generated in the SDB in accordance with the configuration specifications
of the NC in use.
Overview: Cause of the error, Par 1:
- 01 = SDB contains slave without diagnostics slot, slave address
- 02 = SDB contains too many slot entries, identifier
- 03 = SDB contains no equidistance data, no fct.
- 04 = PNIO: SDB contains different Tdp (also TDC) on a device
- 05 = PNIO: SDB contains different Tmapc (also CACF) on a device
- 06 = PNIO: SDB contains different TI on a device
- 07 = PNIO: SDB contains different TO on a device
- 20 = SDB contains too many slaves, number of slaves.
- 21 = SDB missing or contains invalid data, error code.
- 22 = SDB configuration data erroneous, slave address, error code
- 23 = reserved
- 24 = reserved
- 25 = reserved
- 26 = reserved
- 27 = reserved
- 28 = reserved
- 29 = reserved
Channel not ready.
NC Start disable in this channel.
Interface signals are set.
Alarm display.
Check that the corresponding SDB
- contains a diagnostic slot for every slave and
- contains only slave entries relevant to the application.
In general, it is possible to include a superset of slaves in the SDB that are partially relevant for
different end versions of the product. However, this overloads the NC memory and runtime capacity
and should therefore be avoided in general.
If this alarm occurs, it is necessary to reduce the SDB to a minimum.
If the code for the error cause is 03, check that equidistance is activated in the SDB (using STEP7 HW
If the alarm continues to occur, please make a note of the error text and contact the control system
Switch control OFF - ON.