Overview of Alarms
Siemens AG, 2006. All rights reserved
SINUMERIK, SIMODRIVE Diagnostics Manual (DA), 11/2006 Edition
Profibus-DP: startup error, reason %1 parameter %2 %3 %4.
%1 = Cause of the error
%2 = Parameter 1
%3 = Parameter 2
%4 = Parameter 3
An error occurred during startup of the PROFIBUS DP master.
Overview: Cause of the error, Par 1, Par 2, Par 3:
- 01 = DPM version, DPM version, DPA version, --
- 02 = DPM ramp-up timeout, DPM actual value status, DPM setpoint value status, --
- 03 = DPM ramp-up status, DPM actual value status, DPM setpoint value status, DPM error code
- 04 = DPM ramp-up error, DPM actual value status, DPM setpoint value status, DPM error code
- 05 = DPM-PLL sync error, --, --, --
- 07 = alarm queue too long, Actual number, Setpoint number, --
- 08 = unknown client, Client ID, --, --
- 09 = Client version, Client ID, Client version, DPA version
- 10 = too many clients, Client number, Max. number of clients, --
- 11 = log.basic address used several times; bus no.; slot no.; log.basic address --
- 20 = PB slave address used several times, slave address --
- 21 = PB slave address unknown, slave address, --
- 22 = Erroneous configuration telegram, slave address, error code, --
- 23 = OMI incompatible (data), Version drive, Version CDA --
- 24 = OMI incompatible (driver), Version drive, Version CDA --
- 25 = CPI initialization failed, error code
- 26 = reserved
- 27 = reserved
- 28 = reserved
- 29 = reserviert
- Digit position 1000 of the error cause = number of the affected bus
Clients are the following components of the control system that use the PROFIBUS DP:
Client ID = 1: PLC
Client ID = 2: NCK
The following can be causes:
- Error in contents of SDB-Type-2000
- Corruption of parts of system program
- Hardware defect on NC component
Channel not ready.
NC Start disable in this channel.
Interface signals are set.
Alarm display.
Remedy for 1-11
1. Check the control project (especially SDB-Type-2000); check MD 11240 and reload it when using
a user-specific SDB.
2. If the error still occurs, back up data and restart the control with the standard values as per the as-
delivered condition.
3. In case of correct ramp-up, gradually reload the user data.
4. If the error still occurs during ramp-up with standard values, reboot the system from the PC card or
execute a software update.
5. If the error still occurs, replace the hardware.
Remedy for 20-21
1. Check/correct the PROFIBUS addresses of the connected slaves.
Remedy for 22
See SINAMICS warning 1903 for a description of the meaning behind the error codes.
1. Control the SDB
- Control type and length of the telegram
- Match slot assignment with P978
2. Evaluate the drive alarms/warnings
Remedy for 23-24
1. Software replacement required
Remedy for 25
1. Change the telegram type
2. Reduce the number of slots
3. Reduce the number of slaves