NCK alarms
Overview of Alarms
Siemens AG, 2006. All rights reserved
SINUMERIK, SIMODRIVE Diagnostics Manual (DA), 11/2006 Edition
- 50 Actual po SG[3] $MA_SAFE_VELO_LIMIT[3].
- 51 Actual position - SG[3] $MA_SAFE_VELO_LIMIT[3].
- 52 Standstill po tolerance $MA_SAFE_STANDSTILL_TOL.
- 53 Standstill position - tolerance $MA_SAFE_STANDSTILL_TOL.
- 54 Actual p n_x + tolerance $MA_SAFE_ $MA_SAFE_POS_TOL.
- 55 Actual p n_x $MA_SAFE_VELO_X.
- 56 Actual postion - n_x $MA_SAFE_VELO_X.
- 57 Actual postion - n_x - tolerance $MA_SAFE_VELO_X - $MA_SAFE_POS_TOL
- 58 Active external standstill request.
- 59 SG override factor 1 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[0].
- 60 SG override factor 2 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[1].
- 61 SG override factor 3 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[2].
- 62 SG override factor 4 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[3].
- 63 SG override factor 5 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[4].
- 64 SG override factor 6 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[5].
- 65 SG override factor 7 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[6].
- 66 SG override factor 8 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[7].
- 67 SG override factor 9 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[8].
- 68 SG override factor 10 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[9].
- 69 SG override factor 11 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[10].
- 70 SG override factor 12 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[11].
- 71 SG override factor 13 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[12].
- 72 SG override factor 14 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[13].
- 73 SG override factor 15 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[14].
- 74 SG override factor 16 $MA_SAFE_VELO_OVR_FACTOR[15].
- 75 Velocity limit n_x $MA_SAFE_VELO_X.
- 76 Stop reaction SG1 $MA_SAFE_VELO_STOP_REACTION[0].
- 77 Stop reaction SG2 $MA_SAFE_VELO_STOP_REACTION[1].
- 78 Stop reaction SG3 $MA_SAFE_VELO_STOP_REACTION[2].
- 79 Stop reaction SG4 $MA_SAFE_VELO_STOP_REACTION[3].
- 80 Modulo value for safe cam $MA_SAFE_MODULO_RANGE.
- 81 Actual velocity tolerance $MA_SAFE_STOP_VELO_TOL.
- 82 SG override factor SGE 0...15 = active SGE position. -1 = SG override inactive (neither SG2 nor
SG4 active, or function is not selected in $MA_SAFE_FUNCTION_ENABLE).
- 83 Acceptance test time different $MA_SAFE_ACCEPTANCE_TST_TIMEOUT.
- 84 Delay time Stop F -> Stop B $MA_SAFE_STOP_SWITCH_TIME_F.
- 85 Delay time pulse disable bus failure $MN_SAFE_PULSE_DIS_TIME_BUSFAIL.
- 86 Single encoder system $MA_SAFE_SINGLE_ENC.
- 87 Encoder assignment $MA_SAFE_ENC_INPUT_NR.
- 88 Cam enable $MA_SAFE_CAM_ENABLE.
- 89 Encoder limit frequency $MA_SAFE_ENC_FREQ_LIMIT.
- 90 Cam SGA outside $MA_SAFE_CAM_TOL different
- 1000 Control timer expired: If one channel informs another of an SGE change, this control timer is
used to check whether the update timer in the other channel has expired.
- 1001 (only assigned on drive, see alarm 300911)
- 1002 User confirmation inconsistent: Data for user confirmation different in both monitoring channels
after 2 seconds.
%3 = state of the NCK user acknowledgement.
%4 = state of the 611D user acknowledgement.
- 1003 Reference tolerance $MA_SAFE_REFP_POS_TOL exceeded.
- 1004 Plausibility error in user confirmation.
- 1005 Pulses already disabled on test stop selection.
- 1006 (only assigned on drive, see alarm 300911).
- 1007 (only assigned on drive, see alarm 300911).
- 1008 (only assigned on drive, see alarm 300911).
- 1009 Pulses not disabled after $MA_SAFE_PULSE_DIS_CHECK_TIME test stop time.
- 1010 Pulses not disabled during test of the external pulse suppression after
- 1011 NCK/drive acceptance test state different.
- 1013 NCK user acknowledgement from PLC SRAM and NCK user acknowledgement from the NCK
machine data are different.
- 1014 NCK axis number from PLC SRAM and NCK axis number from the ramp up are different.
- 1020 Communication disrupted between NCK monitoring channel and drive monitoring channel.
- 1024 NCK standstill position from PLC SRAM and NCK standstill position from the NCK machine