NCK alarms
Overview of Alarms
Siemens AG, 2006. All rights reserved
SINUMERIK, SIMODRIVE Diagnostics Manual (DA), 11/2006 Edition
47: Actual position value - limit value SG2.
48: Actual position value + limit value SG3.
49: Actual position value - limit value SG3.
50: Actual position value + limit value SG4.
51: Actual position value - limit value SG4.
52: Standstill po tolerance.
53: Standstill position - tolerance.
54: Actual position value "+ nx" + tolerance.
55: Actual position value "+ nx".
56: Actual position value "- nx".
57: Actual position value "- nx" + tolerance.
58: Current shutdown request.
59: SG override factor 1. Enter equal MDs.
60: SG override factor 2. Enter equal MDs.
61: SG override factor 3. Enter equal MDs.
62: SG override factor 4. Enter equal MDs.
63: SG override factor 5. Enter equal MDs.
64: SG override factor 6. Enter equal MDs.
65: SG override factor 7. Enter equal MDs.
66: SG override factor 8. Enter equal MDs.
67: SG override factor 9. Enter equal MDs.
68: SG override factor 10. Enter equal MDs.
69: SG override factor 11. Enter equal MDs.
70: SG override factor 12. Enter equal MDs.
71: SG override factor 13. Enter equal MDs.
72: SG override factor 14. Enter equal MDs.
73: SG override factor 15. Enter equal MDs.
74: SG override factor 16. Enter equal MDs.
75: Velocity limit "nx". Enter equal MDs.
76: Stop reaction with SG1. Enter equal MDs.
77: Stop reaction with SG2. Enter equal MDs.
78: Stop reaction with SG3. Enter equal MDs.
79: Stop reaction with SG4. Enter equal MDs.
80: Modulo value for safe cams. Enter equal MDs.
81: Velocity tolerance for safe braking ramp. Enter equal MDs.
82: SG correction factor SGEs. Actuate equal SGEs.
83: Acceptance test duration. Enter equal MDs.
84: Stop F -> Stop B delay time. Enter equal MDs.
85: Bus failure pulse suppression delay time. Enter equal MDs.
89: Encoder limit frequency. Enter equal MDs.
1000: Control timer expired. Too many switching operations on the SGEs (e.g. due to contact
problems, loose contact).
1001: Incorrect control timer initialization.
1002: User confirmation timer expired.
1003: Reference tolerance violated. Comparison of the reference position with the current safe actual
1004: Plausibility of user confirmation is violated.
1005: Pulses already deleted during test stop selection. Test stop selection with missing pulse enable,
Error in the wiring of the SGE "Pulses have been deleted".
1006: Error during forced SGA dynamization.
1007: Communication failure between PLC and drive.
1008: Erroneous data transfer between PLC and drive.
1009: Trigger a subsequent stop after test stop. Check the wiring. Check the SGE configuration via
MD $MA_SAFE_PULSE_STATUS_INPUT. Check the time level for test stop.
1010: Pulses not deleted. Check MD.
1012: Restore data consistency by power On.
1013: Restore data consistency by power On.
1014: Restore data consistency by power On.
1020: Cyclic communication between NCK and drive no longer functioning.
Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program
If STOP B was triggered, a power OFF/ON of the control will be required.