4.3 Connecting the inverter to PROFINET
Converter with the control units CU240D-2
Operating Instructions, 04/2018, FW V4.9 SP10, A5E34262100B AF
Connect safe P/P-switching outputs
PP-switching output
You may not connect safe P/P-switching outputs to a safe input.
Fault detection
The inverter compares the two signals of the fail-safe digital input. The inverter thus detects,
for example the following faults:
Cable break
Defective sensor
The inverter cannot detect the following faults:
Cross-circuit of the two cables
Short-circuit between signal cable and 24 V power supply
Special measures to prevent cross-circuits and short-circuits
The routing of cables over longer distances, e.g. between remote control cabinets, increases
the risk of damaging cables. Damaged cables raise the risk of an undetected cross-circuit
with power-conducting cables laid in parallel. A cross-circuit can cause interruption to the
transfer of safety-related signals.
To reduce the risk of cable damage, you need to lay signal lines in steel pipes.
Special requirements placed on EMC-compliant installation
Use shielded signal cables. Connect the shield at both conductor ends.
In order to connect two or more inverter terminals, use the shortest possible jumpers directly
at the terminals themselves.
Bright and dark test
The inverter filters signal changes using bright and dark tests at the fail-safe digital input
using an adjustable software filter.
Connecting a fail-safe digital input (Page 335)
Connecting the inverter to PROFINET
You can either integrate the inverter in a PROFINET network or communicate with the
inverter via Ethernet.