Robot program
Assembly and Operating Instructions – Parallel Arm Kinematics Kit
4. Parameterize the argument of the while loop:
Argument of the while loop: Bool variable
Drop-down list to replace [1]
Line with while loop start
Lines to be repeated until [1] is fulfilled.
Line with while loop end
5. Move the start and end of the while loop to the desired program lines.
Wait command
The WAIT command leads to a pause until the condition is fulfilled.
The condition can be a bool variable or a status signal, e.g. "end of motion" (MO-
Waiting for adding bool variable
1. Mark the line under which you want to insert the waiting for bool variable.
2. Select the value "WAIT_BOOLVAR" in the drop-down list "New Block".
3. Click the [Add] button.
4. Parameterize the waiting for bool variable:
Line Number
Identification for a wait command
Argument of the wait command: Bool variable
Drop-down list to replace [3]
Waiting for adding end of motion
1. Mark the line under which you want to insert the waiting for adding end of motion.
2. Select the value "WAIT_MOTIONDONE" in the drop-down list "New Block".
25797530/EN – 04/2018