SMD 989
– User Manual
Page 64 (105)
Alarms/Log Tab
The Alarms/Log tab holds all of the status and alarm indications for the SMD 989 platform. The
Alarms/Log tab has two views Alarms and Logs.
Alarms view
shows the current active alarms.
Logs View
shows a history of Alarms and Events. Clicking Refresh will update the log
listings in the browser. Clicking Clear in the top menu bar will remove all logged alarms and
events. To download and save a history of the Logs click Download and a TSV file will be
downloaded from the SMD 989. The TSV file can be imported to a spreadsheet or text document.
The Logs Severity/Transition Indicators at the bottom of the Alarms/Logs menu provides a
reference to the severity icons listed by each log entry. It further provides a transition event or
error condition change indicators. Error logs are either informative (Info) or are unit or signal error
conditions. Transition entries indicate changes between error conditions and indicate if the log
entry went to good or went bad.
Figure 71: Logs Severity/Transition Indicators
Figure 69: Alarms reporting view
Figure 70: Logs reporting view