Technical notice
FI 72.0567.0221E
Page 27 / 45
Dust emission :
This page is only accessible if the dust emission check option has been integrated into the SFX+V2 during
the study.
1. Allows to activate or deactivate the dust emission check option integrated in the SFX+V2
Access at Manufacturer level
2. Configuration of the "dust emission" input (s)
Access at Manufacturer level
Depending the type of equipment used for the dust emissions check, either:
In normal operation / no fault noted: input = 1 (case of the SPX50 dust probe)
In normal operation / no fault noted: input = 0
3. When a dust emission fault associated with the declogging of a solenoid valve is observed, this solenoid
valve is no longer activated during the declogging cycle.
If the total number of solenoid valves being with a dust emission fault reaches this threshold, then the
system still authorizes the activation of these solenoid valves being in dust emission fault.
If the threshold is set to 0, all the solenoid valves associated with a dust emission fault are still activated
regardless of the number of faulty solenoid valves.