Technical notice
FI 72.0567.0221E
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7. T15 :
If the SFX+V2 is equipped with the dust emission check option,
time during which the SFX+V2 checks the dust emission after the activation of a declogging solenoid valve
(see fault check
dust emission fault).
Adjustable from 1 to 255 sec.
8. T19 :
If the SFX+V2 is equipped with the dust emission check option: outside the declogging cycle, the "dust
emission" input is monitored.
If a fault is indicated by the sensor for at least a period of T19, then the SFX+V2 displays a general dust
emission fault (see fault check
dust emission fault).
Adjustable from 0 to 255 sec.
Depending on the configuration, these times can be added:
T3 : time between two declogging cycles. Adjustable from 0 to 255 minutes.
T4 : if there was no run order over this tempo, then a cleaning cycle is performed.
Adjustable from 0 to 255 hours.
In the case of declogging in offline mode, these times are added:
T5 : time between closing a cell and the start of declogging in that cell.
Adjustable from 0 to 255 sec.
T6 : time after the end of the declogging of a cell and the opening of it.
Adjustable from 0 to 255 sec.
T7 : time between opening one cell and closing the next.
Adjustable from 0 to 255 sec.
T10 : time for checking opening / closing cell positions (see fault check
cell opening / closing faults).
Adjustable from 0 to 255 sec.