Mach-DSP User’s Manual
Document Number: MACH-DSP-9021
Page 43
X and Y Axis status indicators
Below the main status area at the top, there are status indicators for each axis. The
status indicators give a text-based description along with a color, so that you can see –
at a glance – whether everything is working properly, or if there is a problem. When a
colored block is green, this is an indication that the particular parameter is normal, or
quiescent (i.e. idle). When a colored block is yellow, that is an indication that the item is
operational. When a colored block is red, this is an indication of a problem that will
prevent the axis from working properly. Each status indicator is discussed below:
Servo ready:
When the colored block is green, this indicates that the servo for this axis
is fully initialized and operational. When the colored block is red, this indicates that the
servo on this axis is either purposely disabled (by user controls) or that it is not
operational due to a problem, such as a scanner not being plugged in, a blown fuse, or
an electrical fault of some kind.
Power Supply Status:
When the colored block is green, this indicates that the external
power supplies feeding the Mach-DSP as well as the internal power supplies (+/-15V
and +3.3V) are receiving voltage sufficient to operate the servo successfully. When this
colored block is red, this indicates that there is a power supply problem of some kind, in
which case looking at the power supply voltages in the section above this should reveal
the source of the problem.
Position Sensor AGC:
This shows you the actual position sensor AGC voltage being
used to operate the scanner, as well as a colored block that can indicate whether or not
the voltage is within a normal range. The position sensor voltage can give you an
indication of scanner health as well as an indirect indication as to its temperature. You
will notice that as a scanner gets hotter, the position sensor AGC voltage will also rise.
When the colored block is green, this indicates that the AGC voltage is within a normal