Fig. 28. "Restore default settings" function in the "Communication" menu.
14.2 Service mode
1. Enter the service mode.
2. Select the "Erase settings" function. A prompt will be displayed in response to which you
are expected to use the CHANGE button to confirm your intention to restore the module
factory settings.
14.3 Module factory settings (D
"GSM 4/5" tab:
GSM identifier: AAAAAA
RS-232 baud rate: 19200 bps
Autorestart every: 24 h
Enabled options:
Show dialed numbers
Show tel. line trouble
Switch line if trouble
No voltage on T-1/R-1 if GSM trouble
LCD backlight: none
Modem format: auto
Convert "+" to digits: 00
CLIP answering: Voice messsage
Tel. line loss delay: 2
GSM link loss delay: 0
Ringing time: 30
"SIM 1/2" tab:
Enabled options:
Full, international number