2. After execution of the command, the module will send an SMS message, which can have
the following form:
"OUT n switched ON (status: OT1=? OT2=? OT3=?)",
"OUT n switched OFF (status: OT1=? OT2=? OT3=?)",
where "n" is the output number, and "?" can take value 0 (inactive) or 1 (active).
"Status: OT1=? OT2=? OT3=?, IN1=? IN2=? IN3=? IN4=?, LT=?, SIG=?, test: ??d??h??m
T1=?...? T2=?...? T3=?...? T4=?...?"
OT1 ÷OT3 – information on output status [0 – output inactive; 1 – output active].
IN1 ÷ IN4 – information on input status [i or t – input in normal status; I or T – input
violated; b – input bypassed].
LT – information on telephone line status [ok – the telephone line OK; ?? – telephone
line trouble].
SIG – actual level of signal received by antenna [digits from 0 to 4].
test – information on the time interval at which the test transmission will be sent
[currently programmed number of days (d), hours (h) and minutes (m)].
T1 ÷ T4 – information on the telephone numbers programmed by means of "Tel.1–4 for
mess." function.
The SMS message confirming execution of the control command can be sent to
another telephone number. In such a case the SMS message sent to the module must
have the following form: xxxxxx=yyyy. or xxxxxx=yyyy=, where "xxxxxx" is the
control command and "yyyy" is the telephone number to which the message is to be
sent back by the module. If the telephone number is to be preceded by the country
code, "00" must be used instead of the "+" character.
7.1.3 Using CLIP
Using the CLIP you can only control the status of outputs.
Program the "Time of ringing" parameter (see: p. 30).
Enter the telephone numbers from which control of the outputs will be possible by means
of CLIP (see: "CLIP1 - tel. No" p. 36).
Determine which outputs and how are to be controlled by CLIP (see: "CLIP1–4
p. 36).
To use the control feature, call the telephone number of GSM module, wait until the
programmed ringing time elapses and hang up. The module will change the output status.
7.2 Local
7.2.1 Using the module buttons
Bypassing / unbypassing input
Define which inputs are to be bypassed manually (see: "IN1–4 bps.manual." p. 35).
The manual input unbypassing is always available.
In order to bypass / unbypass the input:
1. Press three times the button with number corresponding to the given input. If the input is
unbypassed, it will be bypassed, and if it is bypassed, it will be unbypassed.
2. Information on the input status will be displayed and the module will generate a suitable
sound (see section "Audible signaling in the module" p. 13).