Other parameters
RS-232 baud rate [RS baud rate]
– the rate of data transfer through the RS-232 port.
Autorestart every [Autorestart]
– you can program the time period after which the module,
if not used, will restart the telephone. From 1 to 25 hours can be entered. The "use" of the
module shall be understood as:
receiving the module outgoing call,
occurrence of the incoming call signal,
receiving acknowledgement of an SMS message sent by the module,
receiving an SMS message,
sending data by the module working as an external modem.
The first telephone restart will take place after the programmed time elapsed from saving
the settings to module.
Prefix FLASH [FLASH number]
– the prefix for changing the primary communication path to
the backup one (up to 4 digits). If it precedes the telephone number, the module will switch
over to the corresponding communication path. In the control panel, you must program
a pause, entering the E or F character after the prefix and before the telephone numbers.
PAGER-SMS conversion
PAGER station tel. no. [PAGER tel. No]
– the number after dialing of which by a device
connected to the telephone line output the module will simulate the pager station. The
further part of the dialed number will be treated as the cellular telephone number to which
the PAGER type message will be sent in the form of SMS message. The pager station
number can consist of up to 4 digits.
The programmed number must be unique and must not coincide with any other
number programmed in the module.
Prefix for SMS
[Prefix for SMS]
– the country code which must be programmed, if they not
precede the cellular phone numbers for PAGER type messaging in the control panel.
LCD backlight
You can select the mode of display backlight (none, auto or permanent).
GSM as primary telephone line [GSM main line]
– if this option is enabled, the module
GSM telephone is the primary communication path for devices connected to the telephone
line output. If the option is disabled, the analog telephone line is the primary
communication path.
GSM accepts any tel. number [Any numbers]
– enable this option for the module GSM
telephone to make calls to any number. If the option is disabled, the module GSM
telephone can only be used to make calls to the telephone numbers whose initial digits or
whole numbers are programmed in the module (see: "Tel.No 1-32 begin." p. 30).
SMS from STAM-1/2 beep [Beep after SMS]
– if this option is enabled, the module
connected to the monitoring station will audibly signal sending the SMS message.
Flash switches GSM/cable line [FLASH - GSM/TL]
– if this option is enabled, the module
will respond to pressing the FLASH key on the keypad of telephone connected to the
telephone line output. After taking the receiver off the hook and pressing the FLASH key,
the module will switch over from the primary telephone line to the backup one. If the
backup line is failed, you will hear the busy tone in the receiver.
Dial tones check [Signal testing]
– if this option is enabled, and the receiver of a device
connected to the telephone line output is off-hook, the module will check the telephone line
input for presence of the signal. If after about 2 seconds the dial tone does not appear, the