– input violation will activate the output,
(in service mode: x) – input violation will toggle the output status to the opposite
Triggering: CLIP 1–4 [CLIP1–4
– you can define whether and how it will be
possible to control the output using CLIP from the given telephone (see also: "CLIP1 - tel.
No"). After double-clicking on the field in the program or pressing the CHANGE button in
the module, the following items are displayed in turn:
blank field
(in service mode: ) – CLIP does not control the output,
– CLIP will deactivate the output,
– CLIP will activate the output,
(in service mode: x) – CLIP will toggle the output status to the opposite one.
Local control enable [OTs to control]
– if the output is to be activated / deactivated by
means of the telephone set connected to the telephone line output (see: "Control" p. 35),
check the field in D
10 program (in service mode: select the output).
CLIP control
CLIP 1–4 [CLIP1 - tel. No]
– you can program 4 telephone numbers from which it will be
possible to control outputs by means of CLIP.
Module status
USSD codes forwarding message [SMS USSD codes]
– the control command which must
precede the USSD code in the SMS message sent to the module. The USSD codes
enable you e.g. to check the account status of SIM card installed in the module. The SMS
message sent to the module must have the following form: "
", where "xxxxxx" is the control command and "yyyy" is the USSD code
supported by the operator of GSM network in which the telephone operates (it depends on
the SIM card installed in the module). Having received such an SMS message, the module
will execute the USSD code contained in it. The answer obtained from the operator is
forwarded in the form of SMS message to the telephone number from which the control
command was sent.
It is not advisable to use the advanced functions available due to the USSD service if
menu is presented in response to the entered code.
SMS control only from list of allowed numbers [All.tel.control]
– if this option is enabled,
the SMS and DTMF control is only possible from authorized telephone numbers (see:
"Tel.No 1-32 begin." p. 30).
SMS control only from list of messaging tel. numbers [Msg.tel.control]
– if this option is
enabled, the SMS and DTMF control is possible from the telephone whose telephone
number is:
one of the numbers to which the messaging is realized (see: "Tel.1–4 for mess."
p. 38),
the number to which the SMS message is sent with acknowledgement that the SMS
control has been executed (see: "SMS acknowl. No" p. 35),
the number to which the SMS message is sent, if the module fails to send the event
code to the monitoring station (see: "Mon.trbl.tel.nr" p. 43).
If the "Msg.tel.control" and "All.tel.control" options are not enabled, the control can be
realized from any telephone number.