The module will recognize the messaging as successful, if:
it receives no number busy information for about 10 seconds since dialing the
telephone number;
the call is answered.
If the mobile phone of the message addressee is turned off or out of the network
range, and the voice mail service is not active, an automatic message about the
existing situation can be generated in the telephone receiver and no number busy
signal is sent back. In such a case the module recognizes the notification message as
received, while the user loses CLIP message.
In order to acknowledge receipt of the message, the connection with module must be
rejected not earlier than 10 seconds and not later than 20 seconds since the telephone
ring is heard. If the user rejects the connection too early, the module may retry to send
the message (see: "Attempts/tel.1–4" p. 39).
10. Converting the PAGER type messages into SMS messages
The GSM module connected to the device that sends pager messages offers the capability of
converting the pager messages into SMS messages.
In the GSM module:
1. Enter the SMS center number, unless it has been written by the operator to the SIM card
memory (see: "SMS centre No / SMS centre SIM2" p. 31).
2. Program the number of pager station (see: "PAGER tel. No" p. 28).
3. Program the country code, if the telephone numbers in the device are not preceded by it
(see: "Prefix for SMS" p. 28).
10.1 Working in conjunction with the DT-1 dialer
In the DT-1 dialer:
1. Program the signal parameters for the paging system station according to Table 2.
C 1 2 2 A 0 E 0 0 7 A 8
Table 2. Parameters of the paging station signal for the DT-1 dialer.
2. Program the other parameters required to start the PAGER type messaging (see DT-1
dialer manual).
11. Sending SMS messages from the telephone connected to
telephone line output
The GSM module makes it possible to send SMS messages from the landline telephone set,
generating the DTMF signals, connected to the telephone line output.
The module can work in 2 modes:
1. Numeric mode:
pressing any telephone key from 0 to 9 means entering the corresponding digit into the
pressing the [*] key twice means switching over to the text mode.