2xMess 1–4 [Mess.x2 for t.1–4]
– if this option is enabled, the message sent to the given
telephone number during the voice messaging will be played back twice.
Rep. 1–4 [Attempts/tel.1–4]
– the number of attempts to send notification by means of CLIP
to the given telephone number. Values from 1 to 15 can be programmed.
If the "Ack. CLIP tel.1–4" option is disabled, the module will make just one call,
regardless of the programmed number of attempts.
Conf. 1–4 [Ack. CLIP tel.1–4]
– if this option is enabled, receipt of the CLIP message by the
given telephone is to be acknowledged. In order to acknowledge receiving the message,
the connection with module must be rejected not earlier than 10 seconds and not later
than 20 seconds since the telephone ring is heard. Acknowledgement of receiving the
CLIP messaging will make the module stop repeating it.
SMS 1–4 [SMS mess 1–4 fail]
– if this option is enabled, failure to receive the
acknowledgement of CLIP messaging will result in sending to the given telephone number
of an SMS message with content entered for this event.
Assignment of events
For the events about the occurrence of which the module is to notify, you should indicate
which telephones and how will be notified. In the D
10 program, you can do so by double
clicking on the field corresponding to the telephone number, and in the module – by starting
the suitable function and pressing the CHANGE button. The following items will be displayed
in turn:
blank field
– no messaging,
– voice message,
– SMS message,
The module can provide information on:
inputs 1...4 violation (service mode functions: "IN1 -> Tel."..."IN4 -> Tel.");
inputs 1...4 restore (service mode functions: "Rest.1 -> Tel."..."Rest.2 -> Tel.");
telephone line trouble (service mode function: "F.L. -> Tel.");
telephone line restore (service mode function: "Rest.L -> Tel.").
Additionally, the test transmission can be performed (service mode function: "Test -> Tel.").
For the events about which the module can provide information and for the test transmission,
you can program the content of messages (service mode functions: "SMS IN1 violat."…"SMS
IN4 violat.", "SMS IN1 restor."…"SMS IN4 restor.", "SMS fail. line", "SMS restor.line", "SMS
test"), which will be used for SMS messaging. The messages may contain up to 32
characters and must not contain diacritical marks. The content can be modified both by
means of D
10 program and service mode, as well as by means of SMS messages (see
section "Changing the text messages content by means of SMS" p. 56).
Messaging if telephone line is OK [TL ok, mess.IN1–4]
You can define for each input whether messaging about its status is to be realized when the
telephone line works fine. Messaging will be realized, if the option is enabled.
SMS control
Change test period [SMS test period]
– the control command which allows programming of
the test transmission period by means of SMS message. The SMS message sent to the
module should have the following form: "
", where "xxxxxx" is the control
command and "P" is the test transmission period:
0 – no test transmission,