Page 34
Manual : 573.176.112
Note 1 :
The BYPASS MODE is by either entering the code:
0xAAAA the code to go in automatic mode
0x5555 the code to go in manual mode
The code will be reset to zero when the bypass is completed.
Any other value entered will give a Modbus error.
: When entering the BY PASS code it can cause a latent mode if precautions are not taken.
The bypass is only accepted when the application is on the graphic page 'manual mode' or 'auto mode'.
It is necessary to check the screen stage (see note 3) before entering a by pass code. Otherwise, the
command will be taken into account when returning to the 'auto' or 'manu' pages
Note 2 :
The erasing of the list of faults is made by entering the command:
0x00FF (the code to erase the fault list)
The action is asynchronous. It can be made any time.
Any other value transmitted gives a ModBus error.
Note 3 :
A dedicated word value, available as read only, enables you to know the active graphic page or the active
Word value
Graphic page or function
Not defined
Manual mode page
Offset management page (from manu page)
Inlet/outlet graphic page (from manu page)
Parameter input page (from manu page)
Faults graphic page (from manu page)
Priming in progress
Manual extrusion in progress
Automatic mode page
Faults graphic page (from auto page)
Inlet/outlet graphic page (from auto page)
The by pass mode is only taken into account during the stages 1 and 8.
Note 4 :
The lists of faults and extruded weight are common to the ModBus protocol and to the application : the reset to
zero function of this information, by means of the serial connection, and is to automatically refresh the data
values displayed on the screen.
Note 5 :
When a request is not correct (incorrect address, incorrect data, …), the control unit sends a fault code,
standard code of the ModBus protocol.
The equipment must unscramble that fault code.
A lot of equipments will just send the 'CRC Incorrect' status without any other information.