SuperLoader 3 Autoloader User’s Guide
Kilobyte. A unit of measure consisting of 1,024 bytes.
Kilohertz. A measurement of frequency that equals 1000 Hz.
Local Area Network. A computer network covering a relatively
small area. A LAN usually is confined to a building or a few
nearby buildings. A LAN can be connected to another LAN over
any distance through telephone lines and radio waves to form a
wide area network (WAN).
Liquid Crystal Display. The technology used by portable
computer and flat-panel displays. The Operator Control Panel on
the front of the SuperLoader is an LCD screen.
Lempel-Ziv Algorithm
A data compression technique used in all DLT
tape drives. Named after Abraham Lempel and Jacob Ziv.
library system
A system that uses a robotic mechanism to automatically
load and unload tape cartridges into one or more tape drives.
Distinguishable from stackers and autoloaders in their ability to
provide random access to tape cartridges. The DLTstor is a tape
library system offered by Quantum Corporation.
linear recording
Recording technology in which data is written in tracks
that run the length of the tape media. Contrast with helical scan
technology which records data diagonally across the tape.
Megabyte. A unit of measurement equal to 1 million bytes.
Mean Cycles Between Failures. This is average cycle count
between possible failures. A cycle is the movement of a cartridge
from the tape drive to a magazine slot and the selection of
another cartridge and moving that cartridge back to the drive.
MegaHertz. A measurement of frequency in millions of cycles
per second.
Mean Time Between Failures. Reliability rating indicating the
expected failure rate of a product in power on hours (POH). Since
manufacturers differ in the ways they determine the MTBF,
comparisons of products should always take into account the
MTBF calculation method.
Mean Time to Repair. The average time it takes to repair a drive
that has failed for some reason. This only takes into consideration
the changing of the major subassemblies such as the printed