Operating Instructions
13 / 47
Pos: 6 / 03 Allgem eine s/01 Be stimmungsgemäßer Einsatz/01 Be stimmungsgemäßer Einsatz (Pflicht-Modul e) /x_K Ü_ Allgemei ne s @ 0\m od1 4_2. doc @ 6409 @ 1
Pos: 7 /03 All gemeine s/ 01 Bestimmungsgemä ßer Einsatz/ 01 Bestimmungsgemä ßer Einsatz (Pflicht-M odule) / Ü_Bestimmungsgemäßer Ei nsatz @ 0\mod35 0_2. doc @ 6437 @
Authorized use
Pos: 8 / 99 geräte spez. Module /PG2 Vakuum -Verlegesyst eme/Tra ns M obil (TM-15 0-D -A-XL 5222. 0003)/TM-15 0-D -A-XL (52220003)_Best gem Ei nsatz @ 3\m od_12 84965043051_2. doc @ 31114 @
The device
Trans Mobil
” (
) is a mobile device for transporting of complete palettes of building
material (up to a maximum
1500 kg
) as well as for lifting and installation of concrete elements, naturals stones,
kerbstones, slabs etc. up to a maximum of
150 kg
with the corresponding vacuum suction plates (at the vacuum
hose lifter).
These device is series equipped with the following elements:
Vacuum lifting unit including one standard suction plate with 150 kg (330 lbs) capacity.
Mast of the vacuum laying unit can be adjusted to allow positioning of the lifting unit light as a feather
alongside the horizontal jib. Adjustment approx. +/- 10degree).
Knuckle/ shifting jib with „SAFESTOP“ to limit the swing area into a trafficked area (when install kerb stones
on trailing roadway) to avoid accidents with motorcars.
Lifting unit is equipped with 2 fork tines (working length 1,090 mm (43”), horizontally adjustable. Lifting
height of the lifting unit 340 mm (131/2”), lifting capacity 1,500 kg (3,300 Ibs).
The deployment of the device (
) in confined space or areas that implicate danger of explosion or
fire is prohibited due to the diesel engine.
Pos: 9 / 03 Allgem eine s/01 Be stimmungsgemäßer Einsatz/01 Be stimmungsgemäßer Einsatz (Pflicht-Modul e) /ne u_Ar b. nur im bode nah nicht über 1, 8m (nur f. Schla uchhe ber) @ 3\mod_12 67545 958883_2.doc @ 3003 4 @
The use of this device is only permitted in proximity to the ground.
The Load must not be lifted above 1,8 m (70,8 inch)!
suction plates
of the manufacturer
shall be used!!!
The use of suction plates with a smaller carrying capacity than the lifting unit is
Danger: Load will fall down.
(It is permissible to use suction plates with a higher carrying capacity than the lifting unit)
Some suction plates which can be mounted to the device will reduce its carrying capacity.
The maximum load is indicated on each suction plate.
Use only suction plates which are
for this device!
Do not exceed
the maximum carrying capacity of the suction plates!!!
Danger: Load
(stone slabs)
will fall down!