PCAN-Router Pro FD – User Manual
defines a beep pattern for the event trace error
which occurs if the file system of the memory card is not valid.
TRC_ERROR_BEEP=1 80 x__x__x__xxx__xxx__xxx__x__x__x
LED Blinking Patterns
The memory card LEDs are blinking if tracing is started and the
cards are accessed. The CAN LEDs are blinking if CAN traffic occurs.
With the following setting the blinking pattern can be configured.
TRC_LED_BLINK=Tick-Duration Pattern
This value defines the duration of a single tick in milliseconds
with a maximum of 4000000000.
A blinking pattern is built with up to 64 x or _ characters.
x = The LED is on for the duration of one tick.
_ = The LED is off for the duration of one tick.
The pattern should start with some off characters since the LEDs
are switched on by default. The last character is kept.
Remote Control via CAN
Tracing can be started and stopped by transmitting a specific CAN
message to any of the six CAN channels.
This setting specifies the CAN ID of the message which is used for
remote controlling. The first data byte of the transmitted CAN
message determines if tracing is started or stopped.