User Manual – ePX 200
OptiPro Systems, LLC.
Page 35 of 60
Last Modified: 7/30/2014
Figure 7-12: New Job Menu Screen 2
Truing and Correcting the Polishing Tool
Screen 2 of setting up a new job is the Truing and Correct Tool Screen. This screen can also be accessed
by tapping the [Jump To] button. The Truing screen is used to describe the diamond tool that will be
used to cut the polisher pad and the process parameters that control the truing cycle. As with every
other screen that relates to machine operation, tap on any of the underlined items for a description of
what the program is looking for. Additionally the lower left corner of the screen provides current
information of the pad thickness, the B axis angle for truing, and the total B axis correction. When all of
the fields have been filled out, the operator can either run the truing program immediately or move to
the next screen. For a new setup or fresh polisher OptiPro recommends running the truing cycle until
the pad is “cleaned out” then moving on to the polish cycle setup screen.
Figure 7-13: Job Menu Screen 3, Polishing Parameters