Read Counter Current Value
Current value of each counter is stored in shared memory as
described below.
Use the READ instruction (reading data from high-performance
units) to read the current value by 2 word units.
Current Value Input
Current value of each counter is stored in shared memory as
described below.
Enter current value by 2 word units, using the WRITE instruction
(data writing at high-performance unit).
K-2,147,483,648 to K+2,147,483,647
K-2,147,483,648 to K+2,147,483,647
K-2,147,483,648 to K+2,147,483,647
K-2,147,483,648 to K+2,147,483,647
Address: 108h 109h
Address: 10Ah 10Bh
Address: 10Ch 10Dh
Address: 10Eh 10Fh
Counter CH0 Current value
Counter CH1 Current value
Counter CH2 Current value
Counter CH3 Current value
K-2,147,483,648 to K+2,147,483,647
K-2,147,483,648 to K+2,147,483,647
K-2,147,483,648 to K+2,147,483,647
K-2,147,483,648 to K+2,147,483,647
Address: 108h 109h
Address: 10Ah 10Bh
Address: 10Ch 10Dh
Address: 10Eh 10Fh
Counter CH0 Current value
Counter CH1 Current value
Counter CH2 Current value
Counter CH3 Current value
Counter offset value can be set by counter current value