NORDAC SK 5xxE Manual
Subject to technical alterations
BU 0500 GB
3.2.8 DeviceNet module, SK TU3-DEV
DeviceNet is an open communication profile for distributed industrial
automation systems. It is based on the CANbus system.
Up to 64 participants can be linked to one Bus system.
The transfer rate (125. 250. 500 kBit/s) and the Bus addresses are set
using rotary coding switches or the applicable parameters.
Detailed information can be found in the operating instructions
, or contact the supplier of the frequency inverter.
MS (red/green)
Module status
DeviceNet status LEDs
MS (red/green)
Mains (bus) status
DS (green)
Module status
Module status LEDs
DE (red)
Module error
3.2.9 InterBus module, SK TU3-IBS
With InterBus up to 256 participants with different automation devices
can exchange data. PLC's, PC's, operating and monitoring devices can
all communicate via a uniform bus in serial bit mode.
NORDAC frequency inverters are remote bus participants. The data
width is variable (3 words; 5 words), at a baud rate of 500kBit/s
(optional 2Mbit/s). An additional termination resistor is not necessary as
it is already integrated. Addressing is carried out automatically by
means of the physical arrangement of the participants.
An external 24V supply is required for uninterrupted Bus operation.
Detailed information can be found in the operating instructions
, or contact the supplier of the frequency inverter.
Module status LEDs
ST (red/green)
Module error/ready
UL (green)
Supply voltage applied
RC (green)
Remote Check, remote bus to previous InterBus device is OK.
BA (green)
Bus Active, InterBus data are being exchanged (Bus running).
RD (yellow)
Remotebus Disabled, remote bus to next InterBus device is
switched off.
InterBus status LEDs
TR (green)
Transmit, data is being transferred from/to participants