EDH0170FE1010 – 09/98
LDS1000 Controller for Laser Diode Sensors
Principle of Operation
3.1 Laser Diode Sensors
Laser diode sensors of the NEWPORT LDS series use identical technologies
for the emission and reception of optical signals, but according to a diffe-
rent optical diagram.
The emission is performed by a Laser diode controlled and modulated at
10 kHz.
The reception is performed by a position sensing device that provides ana-
log voltages.
From the electronic controller’s point of view, that becomes:
• Supply the necessary power to the laser diode and to the pre-amplifying
electronic controller.
• Monitor break down and defects.
• Collect the return signals from the analog sensor.
This data is processed by the controller, corrected according to the para-
meters provided by calibration and usable depending on the different
modes (display, memorization, transmission to the computer interface,
analog output [available as an option]).
3.2 Electronic Controller
The LDS1000 Controller performs:
• Fast acquisition at a set frequency of 2 kHz.
• Analog to digital conversion.
• Correction and integration calculation.
• Memory and display management.
Its technology is based on a 68000, 16 MHz microprocessor.
This controller offers a clear display of the values measured on a luminous
screen and communication via RS-232-C and IEEE-488 interfaces.
One particular model is available with calibrated analog outputs, that are
proportional to the values measured.