EDH0170FE1010 – 09/98
LDS1000 Controller for Laser Diode Sensors
Modification of Current Sensor Parameters
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Each NEWPORT sensor is delivered with a calibration certificate which
enables the correct programming parameters for the LDS1000 Controller to
be established.
This certificate gives the values of the following parameters:
: Series number of the optical head.
A number is allocated to each sensor. It means it can be identified and its
progress can be monitored.
: Y axis horizontal (TR) or vertical (RT).
This indication specifies the type of measurements carried out by the sen-
sor. Thus RT, for rotation designates an autocollimator. This value is used
by some programs for a correct display.
Ycoef, Zcoef
: Linear correction factor for the axis Y or Z.
The sensor can be calibrated on a measuring bench. The given value of
Ycoef or Zcoef minimizes linear errors in the direction concerned. It is a
multiplying factor of the display.
Yincr, Zincr
: Counter increment for the axis Y or Z.
The resolution of each sensor is limited by physical factors (electronic
noise, enlargement, etc.). The value of Yincr or Zincr given is adapted to
the sensor delivered. It is a multiplying factor of the display.
Different measurement limits correspond to each increment value:
Yunit, Zunit
: Unit displayed for the axis Y or Z.
It is the unit for which the sensor parameters are established.
Yofs1, Yofs2, Zofs1, Zofs2
: Electric offset values.
These values enable the sensor resolution to be refined while taking into
account a possible offset reading. The correct values are achieved in
mode the values of the parameters stored for the current sensor
can be modified. As a precaution, a confirmation message asks whether
you really want to modify the current sensor (and specifies the number):
0.1 -199.99 … +199.99
0.2 -399.98 … +399.98
0.5 -999.95 … +999.95
1 -1999.9 … +1999.9
2 -3999.8 … +3999.8
5 -9999.5 … +9999.5
10 -19999 … +19999
20 -39998 … +39998
50 -99995 … +99995