Expansion Stages and System Capacity
Mitel SMB Controller
syd-0657/2.0 – R6.0 – 09.2018
BluStar Softphones
This is a BluStar client licence. One licence per client is required to operate BluStar
softphones. The licences are needed to register the clients on the system.
BluStar Softphone Video Options
This licence is required for using the video functionality of a BluStar softphone. A
BluStar client licence must be in place.
Audio services
Conference Bridge
(Dial-In conference)
This licence allows the use of a conference bridge. The internal or external confer-
ence participants choose a specific call number and are connected with the confer-
ence after entering a PIN. One licence is required per system /AIN.
Number in Queue
This licence is required for using the functionality of "Queue with announcement".
Auto Attendant
licence is required here. One licence is required per system
Auto Attendant
This licence enables the use of the auto attendant function and is independent of
the Enterprise Voice Mail licence. It means it can also be used in conjunction with
basic voice mail. One licence is required per system /AIN.
Enterprise Voice Mail
If the functionality of the basic voice mail system is insufficient, the voice mail sys-
tem can be expanded. This licence provides 2 audio channels for recording or play-
ing back audio data for voice mail, auto attendant or call recording. The licence also
increases the voice memory capacity and allows e-mail notification whenever new
voice messages are received as well as the forwarding of voice messages and call
– Additional audio channels require additional
Audio Record & Play Channels
licences. An
Auto Attendant
licence is required to use the auto attendant function.
– In a VoIP environment VoIP channel licences are also required for converting the voice
data when using the internal voice mail system.
Audio Record & Play Channels
This licence enables an additional audio channel for recording or playing back audio
data for voice mail, auto attendant or call recording. This licence can only be used in
conjunction with the
Enterprise Voice Mail