Operation and Maintenance
Mitel SMB Controller
syd-0657/2.0 – R6.0 – 09.2018
6. 3. 4. 3
Changing the CPU module
The CPU module is fitted to the mainboard and is available as a spare part. If the com-
ponents on the CPU module are defective or permanently faulty, the entire call man-
ager card must be replaced. As a spare part the CPU module does not contain any
RAM module or Flash card. They can be taken from the defective CPU module and fit-
ted to the new module.
To replace a defective CPU module, proceed as follows:
1. Back up the configuration data and audio data, if still possible.
2. Carry out preparations (see "Preparations", page 186).
3. Remove the housing cover.
4. Remove the defective module by loosening the 4 fastening screws and carefully
pulling the module out vertically of the module slot.
5. Place the new module in the slot and press it down evenly into the slot as far as the
6. Fit the module on to the mainboard using the 4fastening screws.
7. Fit the housing cover.
8. Reconnect the system to the power supply.
9. Carry out a first start of the system (see "First start via WebAdmin", page 174) and
upload the configuration data from a backup file back on to the communication
When the defective CPU module was replaced by a new one, some system information is lost
(IP address, sales channel, DECT identification numbers), has changed (EID) or is no longer
valid (licence file). All DECT terminals must be re-registered and a new licence file is needed.
6. 3. 5
If the components on the mainboard are defective or permanently faulty, the entire
communication server with the metal chassis must be replaced.
To replace the communication server, proceed as follows:
1. Back up the configuration data and audio data, if still possible.
2. Carry out preparations (see "Preparations", page 186).
Be sure to observe the "Safety regulations", page 89.
Be sure to observe the "Safety regulations", page 89.