<DEL: Teaching point delete>
, shows as bellows.:(Return to teaching mode selection screen when press ESC key).
Use ↑、↓ key, and change the teaching number. (Counted up and down continuously-pressed
over 1sec.) Press ENTER key with displaying teaching number, then jump to following screen.
Press ENTER key at this screen, delete registered teaching position number(all of the 6
axes),then display
No Data
.(Return to teaching mode selection screen when press ESC key).)
<EDT: Teaching point edit>
, shows as bellows.:(Return to teaching mode selection screen when press ESC key).
Use ↑、↓ key, and change the teaching number. (Counted up and down continuously-pressed
over 1sec.) Press ENTER key with displaying teaching number, then jump to following screen.
D E L 6 3
Teaching point number
T D X 1 0 0 0 u
6 3 Y - 0 . 1 2 3 4 d
Setting data
Teachng point number
T D X N o D a t a u
6 3 Y N o D a t a d
Setting data
Teaching point number
E D T 1 5
Teaching point number
Содержание DS102MS
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