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MINOS DIS TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI., 2020. All rights reserved. Reprinting, even of sections, only possible with the approval of
Document No: T-MDR.2020_I.O.M./ Date: 09.01.2020
● Remove the elastic rings
(see fig. 15 C)
, then remove the gears
(see fig. 15 D,
respectively fitted on the input connection shaft and pinion shaft;
Figure 15- Changing the gearbox speed
● Exchange the position between the gears, or replace the current pair of gears
with the reserve pair, according to the rotation speed of the tractor PTO shaft
(max. 540 r.p.m.) and the required speed of the blades;
● Replace the elastic rings in their seats and replace the cover, after cleaning
the edge of the seal
(see fig. 15 F)
, by tightening bolts and washers.
Before perform a gearbox speed adjustment, make sure that the temperature
of the gearbox is low enough to allow the necessary operations. Wear the
required PPE, in particular the gloves, because of danger of burns!
Any adjustment on the gearbox must be done with the machine disconnected
from the tractor or the tractor with the engine off and the machine on the
4.3.4- Side Plates Adjustment:
The side plates allow to retain the thickest clods in the working area of the
rotors, preventing it from coming out and from accumulating in external ridges.
The plates can be adjusted in height, to be adapted to different types of
working conditions (with more or less abundant production of fine soil), and to
take into account the knives consumption.