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MINOS DIS TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI., 2020. All rights reserved. Reprinting, even of sections, only possible with the approval of
Document No: T-MDR.2020_I.O.M./ Date: 09.01.2020
The power harrow model MDR is equipped with a rear roller and
specifically designed for agricultural application and must be used for
mechanical soil tillage and seed-bed preparation on farms, in vineyards and
orchards, as well as for row crops and speciality crops.
Moisture remains in the soil and the water balance of the soil is maintained
since the soil is not turned up as it is tilled. The vertically rotating cutters also
prevent compaction of the soil, thus resulting in optimum preparation of the
The mini power harrow allows a very good job of seedbed levelling and
finishing, with rich production of fine soil homogeneously distributed on the
ground surface, and is used at best in operations on tough soils, not subjected
to excessive action of the atmospheric conditions (for example, for the
preparation in autumn-winter season of a cereal's seedbed, following to a
summer crop).
The rear roller
, supported by a frame linked to the side plates of the machine
by means of two swinging arms, allows the working depth control and the soil
levelling. The working depth should be adjusted in line with the prevailing
ground conditions in order to obtain the best possible results. Large objects
should be removed from the ground beforehand so that the soil can be tilled
correctly and to prevent premature wear on the tines.
Depending on the characteristics of the soil and the desired result, the
following types of roller can be used:
Cage roller:
is suitable for dry soils or with medium-low degree of humidity. It
allows to control the working depth, level the worked soil, and complete the
refinement of the seedbed.
2.2- Basic Description Of Mini Power Harrow