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MINOS DIS TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI., 2020. All rights reserved. Reprinting, even of sections, only possible with the approval of
Document No: T-MDR.2020_I.O.M./ Date: 09.01.2020
Figure 2- Cage roller (Ø 315 mm)
Packer roller:
is suitable for any type and condition of soil. It is recommended
for heavy soils and for soil preparation in combination with a seed drill. Allows
to refine the surface of the seedbed, and has a great effect leveling and
crumbling on the surface and in depth.
Figure 3- Packer roller (Ø 380 mm)
The mini power harrow, mounted on the tractor by means of the hydraulic
three-point linkage, operates on the ground thanks to its front ripper and to
the dynamic action of vertical tools (blades) placed on the rotors, driven -
through a gears transmission - from the tractor PTO by means of the PTO shaft
connection. Each rotor composes of two blades, with opposite rotation
compared to the contiguous rotors. The PTO shaft is equipped with a friction
clutch safety device to preserve the machine's transmission from excessive