Wall formwork
Mammut 350
The Mammut 350 wall formwork is a crane-dependent formwork
system made of steel. It is ideally suited for use in high-rise, public,
commercial and industrial construction as well as civil engineering
projects that require a top architectural concrete surface.
The Mammut 350 has the following characteristics:
Seven multi-function profiles
Tie holes at multi-function profile level
Bump notches for panels that are 250 and 125 cm wide
Symmetry on the inside and outside
An even tie hole and joint pattern
Compatible with Mammut XT and Mammut
Same accessories used for Mammut XT, Mammut 350 and Mam-
The steel frames of the Mammut 350 panels are hot-dip galvanised
both internally and externally and post-treated. This ensures improved
corrosion protection, making them durable and easy to clean.
Mammut 350 panels are available with heights 350, 300, 250 and
125 cm. A complete formwork set including accessories weighs
approx. 62 kg/m²
The MEVA multi-function profile with welded-in DW-threaded nuts
makes the attachment of accessories easier, for example:
Push-pull props and alignment rails with flange screws
Walkway brackets with integrated self-locking pin
DW tie rods of any length that are used to bridge problem areas
The Mammut 350 panels are equipped with the 20 mm thick alkus
all-plastic facing made of polypropylene and aluminium. The facing
is riveted to the panel on the pouring side. In addition, the facings
are protected with silicone. The tried-and-tested polypropylene and
aluminium composite facing has all the positive properties of plywood
plus important advantages: longer lifespan, greater load-bearing
capacity, better nail-holding ability, fewer and easier repairs, 100%
Product features
The admissible fresh-concrete pressure is 100 kN/m² if DW 20 tie
rods are used (required for panel widths from 100 cm upwards).
This high load capacity results in short pouring cycles, since walls up
to a pouring height of 400 cm can be poured without considering
the rate of placing. The fresh-concrete pressure can be determined
easily and precisely with MEVA’s online concrete pressure calcula-
tor available in the download area on the MEVA website. Go to
www.meva-international.com --> Download --> Working Tools -->
Concrete Pressure Calculator. The concrete pressure calculator is also
available as a mobile app for use on the construction site.
Abbreviations, measurements, figures and tables, etc.
The abbreviation M 350 is used for the Mammut 350 system series
and the abbreviation M for the Mammut system series. DIN means
Deutsche Industrie-Norm (German Industrial Standard). E DIN (E =
Entwurf / draft) means that the DIN is in draft status and not yet
approved. Any further abbreviations are explained where they are
used for the first time.
TÜV means Technischer Überwachungsverein. This is the independ-
ent German organisation that tests the safety of technical installa-
tions, machinery and motor vehicles. If a product passes the test, it
is permitted to carry the GS seal. GS stands for Geprüfte Sicherheit
(approved safety).
Measurements: This manual uses the metric system, i.e. m (for metre),
cm (for centimetre) and mm (for millimetre).
Non-defined dimensions are in cm.
The page numbers in this manual start with M350. The figures and
tables are numbered per page. Depending on its product abbrevia-
tion, a cross reference in the text refers to a page, table or figure in
this or in another manual. This is indicated by the product code with
which the cross-reference begins.
Technical Instruction Manual / Status November 2018