Starting and Shifting Gears
Selector Lever Positions
The autom atic gear shifting process
can be adapted to sp e cific operating
co n d ition s by means of the selector
“ P” Parking lock. The parking lock is
an add ition a l safeguard when
parking the vehicle. Engage only
when the car is stationary.
“ R” Reverse gear. S hift reverse gear
only with the vehicle at halt.
“ N” Neutral. No pow er is transm itted
from the engine to the rear axle.
When the brakes are released,
the vehicle can coast fre e ly (to be
pushed, tow ed or tow -started).
Do not sh ift to neutral while
“ D” Drive. All gears are available.
P osition “ D” a ffo rd s o p tim u m
driving c h a ra cte ristics under all
norm al ope ra tin g co nditions.
“ S” Slope. U pshifting to 3rd gear only.
S u itable fo r m oderate ascents
and descents. As the tra n s m is
sion shifts up to 3rd gear only,
this position perm its the u tili
zation of the engine braking
effect. W ith the selector lever in
position “ S ” and the acce le ra to r
depressed to full th ro ttle , 2nd
gear covers a w ider speed range
than with the selector lever in
position “ D” .
“ L" Low. U pshifting to 2 n d g e a r only.
For d rivin g on steep m ountain
passes, fo r tra ile r operation in
m oun ta in o u s regions, fo r driving
und e r severe operating
c o n d itio n s and as braking
position on extrem ely steep
declines. If the selector lever is
b rie fly shifted to position “ S "a n d
then returned to position “ L” , 2nd
g ear is shifted sooner at higher
Do not exceed to p speeds in the
ind ivid u a l se le cto r lever positions.
Refer to sp e e d o m e te r m arkings.
Содержание 300 SD 1978
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