8 8 6 4
A u to m a tic A ntenna
The antenna switch can be actuated
with the radio switched on and the key
in steering lock positions “ 1” o r “ 2” .
• If the antenna switch is in center
position, the antenna extends
a utom atically to a specific height,
• if the antenna switch is engaged in
the “ m ax” position, the antenna
extends fully,
• if the antenna switch is engaged in
the “ o ff” position, the antenna will
not extend or will retract
com pletely.
The height of the antenna can
fu rth e rm o re be adjusted co n tin u o u sly
by actuating the antenna switch:
• If the antenna switch is in center
position, the antenna w ill extend to
the sp e cific height. The antenna
can be fu rth e r extended or
retracted to any height by rocking
the switch (not engaging it).
• If the antenna is to be retracted,
e. g. fo r playing cassettes, engage
sw itch in “ o ff” position.
W hen the key is turn e d to steering
lock position “ 0” or the radio is turn e d
off, the antenna w ill retract
com pletely.
FM Reception
FM signals travel in a "lin e -o f-s ig h t” .
R eflections o r “ dead s p o ts ” may
cause cancellations o r loss of the
signal as well as strong signal
overloading o r capture.
Low ering the antenna height in strong
signal areas may e lim inate m any of
the resulting p ro b le m s and restore
good tone quality. However, fringe
area reception requires the full
antenna length to ca p tu re weak
incom ing signals. The antenna can be
operated by depressing the
respective side of the ro cke r switch.
FM Stereo Reception
W hen tuned to a FM stereo station, the
Stereo In d ica to r L ight will lig h t up.
EJecause m ore info rm a tio n is carried
in the FM stereo signal than in FM
m onoraul broadcasts, flutter,
cancellation and capture effects may
be even m ore noticeable. The
noisefree bro a d ca st range, therefore,
is som ew hat less and accurate tuning
to the strongest available stereo
stations is requ ire d , especially fo r
frin g e area reception.
Your radio is eq u ipp e d with a
specially designed Stereo D ecoder
w hich a utom atically sw itches the
radio from stereo to m ono reception if
the signal becom es too weak.
However, the Stereo In d ica to r Light
rem ains lit to avoid the distracting
flic k e r at s h o rt-tim e signal changes.
The radio w ilfre tu rn to the stereo
m ode a utom atically when signal
strength perm its it.
Содержание 300 SD 1978
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