The fuse box (1) is located in the
engine com partm ent.
A sum m ary of the protected
e q uipm ent is printed in the fuse box
cover (2).
Fuse arrangem ent in the box —
starting at engine side, proceeding
from inside to outside — u pper row;
odd num bers 1, 3, 5 etc. up to 15;
lower row: even num bers 2, 4, 6 etc.
up to 16.
Fuses m ust be replaced, not repaired
or bridged.
Spare fuses are stored in the fuse box
(observe a m perage and co lo r code).
D eterm ine the cause of a short p rio r to
replacing a b u rn e d -o u t fuse.
A fte r replacing a fuse, screw on the
fuse box co ve r firm ly.
A p p ro xim a te ly every fo u rw e e ks, and
m ore fre q u e n tly in sum m er and in
tro p ica l zones, check the electrolyte
level in the b attery cells from outside.
The electrolyte level m ust be
som ew here between the low er and
the upp e r m arking.
Replenish only with distilled w a te ra n d
do not use m etal funnels. Do not
overfill battery.
L ubricate battery te rm in a ls with
a c id p ro o f grease. Keep battery clean
and dry.
Electrical System
T o w -sta rt vehicle only with the battery
connected. Only charge battery with
rapid cha rg in g e q u ip m e n t if it has
been disconnected from the ve h icle ’s
electrical circuit.
B attery te rm in a ls m ust not be
loosened or detached w hile the
engine is running as otherw ise the
th re e -p h a se a lte rn a to r w ill be
Содержание 300 SD 1978
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