Automatic Clim ate Control
The autom atic clim a te control is
designed to m aintain the desired
te m p e ra tu re in the vehicle interior.
Heating, cooling and air d istrib u tio n
(top, center, b ottom ) are co n tro lle d
autom atically. The blow er speeds
w ill be varied autom atically
d epen d in g on the push button
setting, op e ra tin g and te m p e ra tu re
The a u tom atic clim ate control is
o perational only if the engine is
For a d a ptation to the weather
c o n d ition s various fu n ctio n s can
be selected with the pushbuttons.
A ir outlets 8 — 9 m ust then be
a djusted as required. Buttons
2 — 6 can be pressed only
individually. The in d ica tor lights
in the individ u a l buttons com e on
if the buttons are pressed and the
vehicle lig h tin g is sw itched on.
1 T em p e ra tu re selector wheel
The desired te m p e ra tu re in the
vehicle in te rio r can be set with the
selector wheel. N orm ally only one
a d ju stm e n t is necessary fo r the
en tire year. If required to be
altered, only slig h t a d justm ents
should be m ade to this te m p e r
ature setting.
2 “ OFF” button:
S w itching o ff the autom atic clim ate
S im ultaneously the fresh air
supply to the vehicle in te rio r is cut
off. This position can be briefly
selected in the case of o d o ro u s or
dust annoyances or when passing
th ro u g h an a u to m a tic car wash.
3 “ A U T O -LO ” button:
N orm al vehicle operation.
This setting will p ro vid e heating or
cooling of the ve h icle ’s in te rio r
d e p ending on the selector wheel
setting and the outside te m p e r
ature. If heating is req u ire d , the
fresh air su p p ly and the blow er
will rem ain in the o ff position until
the engine coo lin g w ater is slightly
w arm ed up. O nly then w ill w arm air
e n te rth e in te rio r o fth e vehicle and
be d is trib u te d m ainly to the
footw ell outlets. A small a m ount of
air is dire cte d to the w ind sh ie ld to
ensure d e fogging u nder norm al
w eather co n d ition s. F o rth e de fo g
ging of the side window s, air can be
diverted fro m the side outlets 9
d e p ending on the position of levers
10. The ce n te r o u tle t 8 rem ains
closed d u rin g heating operation.
If co o lin g o fth e in te rio r is required,
the blow er will start im m ediately
regardless of engine tem perature.
The air is routed via center outlet 8
into the ve h icle ’s in te rio r and
a d d ition a lly via the side outlets 9
d e p ending on the position of lever
10. The blow er speed w ill be
a u to m a tica lly reduced in several
steps in the heating or cooling
cycle as the in te rio r te m perature
a pp ro a ch e s the preselected
tem perature! on the te m p e ra tu re
wheel 1.
4 “ A U T O -H I” button:
Fast heating o r cooling of vehicle
A ir co n d itio n in g , air d istrib u tio n
and blow er co n tro l are the sam e as
in position “ 3” “ A U T O -LO ” . The
blow er, however, operates at a
higher speed.
Содержание 300 SD 1978
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Страница 10: ...Instruments and Controls 9...
Страница 12: ...Instrument Cluster FASTEN BELTS 9 0 3 9 11...
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Страница 68: ...Technical Data Fuels Coolants Lubricants etc 67...
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