Special Operating Conditions
Winter Driving
Have y o u r car w interized in a
MERCEDES-BENZ service station
before the onset of w inter.
• Engine oil change: If no “ all-year
ro u n d ” engine oil is used, fill with
re com m ended w in te r oil. For
viscosity and capacity, refer to
“ Fuels, Coolants, Lubricants, etc.
and last page” .
• For diesel fuels, refer to page 74
and last page.
• A ntifreeze in the coolant: Check
antifreeze p rotection periodically.
For capacity refer to “ Fuels,
Coolants, Lubricants, e tc.” .
• A d d itive in the w indshield w asher
system: A dd w ind sh ie ld w asher
solvent to the w ater in the
w indshield w asher system.
• Test battery: B attery capacity
d ro p s with decreasing am b ie n t
te m perature. A well charged
battery ensures that the engine can
always be started, even at low
am bient tem peratures.
• Tires: For the cold season we
recom m end m ounting M +S radial-
ply tires on all wheels. P erm issible
to p speed fo r M +S ra d ia l-p ly tires
is 100 m ile s/h (160 km /h ).
Hints fo r D riving
The m ost im p o rta n t rule fo r icy roads
is to drive sensibly and to avoid
a b ru p t acceleration, braking and
steering action.
W hen the vehicle is in danger of
skid d in g , m ove se le cto r lever to posi
tion “ N” . Try to keep the vehicle
under control by means of corrective
steering action.
Provided the tra ffic c o n d ition s will
allow, only brake in a way that the
wheels are locked fo r no m ore than
fra ctio n s of a second as otherw ise the
steerability of the vehicle is lost.
High Altitude Correction Device
The engine is eq u ipp e d with an
autom atic high a ltitude co rre ctio n
Tire Chains
Tire chains can only be used on the
d riving wheels. Use only chains tested
and re com m ended by us. Any
MERCEDES-BENZ service station will
readily advise you. Retighten newly
m ounted tire chains after a few miles
of driving. Do not exceed perm issible
maximum speed of 30 mph (50 km/h).
On clear roads rem ove the chains as
soon as practicable. A d here to the
m a n u fa ctu re r’s m ounting in stru c-
t ons.
Traveling Abroad
A broad, too, there is a w idely-spread
MERCEDES-BENZ service netw ork at
your disposal. If you travel into areas
w hich are not listed in the index of
your service station booklet, you
should request p e rtin e n t inform ation
Irom your dealer.
Содержание 300 SD 1978
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Страница 2: ......
Страница 3: ......
Страница 7: ......
Страница 8: ...Vehicle Operation...
Страница 10: ...Instruments and Controls 9...
Страница 12: ...Instrument Cluster FASTEN BELTS 9 0 3 9 11...
Страница 33: ......
Страница 34: ...Driving 33...
Страница 46: ...Vehicle Care 45...
Страница 52: ...Practical Hints 51...
Страница 68: ...Technical Data Fuels Coolants Lubricants etc 67...
Страница 79: ......